
ONAIR 6 - 10 July

Welcome to SMADD ALIVE

This year we have created a unique program that will be delivered online. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, you’ll still be able to relish in Song-Music-Art-Drama-Dance through virtual electives offered every day, in addition to core challenges held throughout the week. Beyond the arts, you can expect to learn more about Jesus while asking the big questions concerning God, life and the universe. 

We invite you to take part in a community that is welcoming, chill and a little bit unpredictable.Whether you’re intending on honing your S-M-A-D-D skills, or simply keen on enjoying a week of fun and meaningful content, come share in the experience that will be Winter SMADD 2020!.

This event is open for students Grade 7 - 12

Whether you live in Cairns, Gold Coast, Longreach or anywhere in between you can join us for this event.


Price includes a camp pack delivered to your door in the week before camp. Book early to ensure you don't miss out on the Winter SMADD Hoodie which is included in the cost.

How will things look online...

The program for SMADD ALIVE will run for four hours every day across two sessions. The morning will contain a main session uniting the whole camp, small groups to discuss spiritual input, and S-M-A-D-D specific electives. Then, in the late afternoon,there will be an entertaining specialised activity. In conjunction with our live sessions, SMADD will facilitate a closed online platform where you can participate in challenges, connect with other campers and leaders, and view our pre-prepared spiritual input.

Bringing a Group

If you would like to bring along a group of students from your school or church that would be great. Please contact us for more a promotional pack and more information about how you can be involved

Want to know more? Contact us!


Directors Ronnie, Kieran and Liam


1300 478753

Become a LEader.

Winter SMADD are looking for people to join our team and get involved. Contact us today. You will require a current and valid Blue Card..


Winter SMADD 2020 will be running for 5 days from 6 - 10 July. Each day we will have 2 main sessions between 9 -11AM and 3-5PM.

This will include Cluedo nights, games nights core electives and much more!

The time in between the main sessions is up to you what you would like to do, as we will have some offline activities and challenges set that you and the rest of the SMADD community can do!


How do I register?

Use the links above to register your child for the event

How do I cancel my registration?

Contact if you are no longer able to attend the event.

How will content be delivered?

SU Qld will be using a platform called OnAIR which was developed by the company we use for our registrations EventsAIR. In the week before the event you and your child will be sent login information to a secure portal that will show all the programmed sessions for the week. The portal draws in content that will be using from Vimeo, YouTube, Zoom and Twilio.

How do I contact customer support?

You can contact at anytime before the event or call 1300 478 753.

During the event there will be a live support icon in the portal so you can ask questions of the leadership team.

What will my child require?

The OnAIR platform is best experienced on laptop or desktop computer. It does work on tablet devices however the portal does not function properly on a mobile phone.

A pack will be delivered in the week prior to the event containing all the required materials your child will need for the week.

There may be some optional themed meals or activities that your child can participate in. These will be included in Camper email in the 2-3 weeks prior to the event.

Will my child be supervised?

SU Qld is committed to running safe online events. All volunteer and staff leaders will have blue cards and under go training like all SU QLD activities.

All contact that your child has online in the program will be in groups where a minimum 2 leaders will be present.

It is the responsibility of the parents/carers to provide duty of care for the participants in the program and monitor the online material that your child is viewin